Common Error Messages

Could not get file content for lucene indexing

Users may see an error similar to the following when viewing the tomcat/logs/cascade.log file:

ERROR [SearchWorkerImpl] : Could not get file content for lucene indexing:
Could not fetch contents of file (id='97e7a2f60a000182011a542b7e51160d'): null

This message indicates that the file with this particular id is corrupt. To clear the log file of this error, follow these steps:

  1. Execute (or have your DBA execute) the following SQL query:

    SELECT name, cachePath FROM cxml_foldercontent WHERE id = 'idFromErrorMessage';

    making sure to replace idFromErrorMessage with the 32-digit id seen in the log file.

  2. Using the result from the query above, browse to the asset inside of Cascade CMS by using a direct link of the form:


    where {id} is the id from the error message and {hostname} is the name of the application server.

  3. Delete the asset by clicking More > Delete.