Database Errors

"Could not acquire change log lock" or "Waiting for changelog lock..."

During start-up, one of the following messages may appear in the cascade.log file and prevent Cascade CMS from starting:

Waiting for changelog lock....

Caused by: liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock. Currently locked by ...

These can occur if the application experiences an ungraceful shutdown. To see which machine has locked the Cascade CMS database, execute the following SQL query:


Check the lockedby column to see who locked the table. Generally, the lock will be from the local machine.

Assuming this is the case (and no other machine has a lock on the database), take the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Stop Cascade CMS process (if it's still running)
  2. Execute the following SQL query against the Cascade CMS database:
    set locked=0, lockgranted=null, lockedby=null 
    where id=1
  3. Start Cascade CMS