
Why am I seeing <system-region> tags around my published content?

System region tags are automatically added to rendered and published content that doesn't contain valid XML. Specifically, due to a lack of a root element when Cascade CMS attempts to validate the content as XML during the rendering and publishing process.

To generate non-XML compliant content, surround your Template region(s) with a "dummy" tag that is wrapped in a #cascade-skip code section. Cascade CMS will skip this "dummy" tag on render and publish, resulting in only the content being displayed.

Method #1

Use this method if your Template resides in the same site as your content.


<system-region name="DEFAULT" />

Method #2

Use this method if your Template will be shared across sites.


    <system-region name="DEFAULT"/>


...Format here...

Browser Errors

Because the content is no longer valid XML, you may encounter an error similar to the following when the browser attempts to render the content within Cascade CMS:

This page contains the following errors:
error on line 2 at column 1: Document is empty
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

This is due to Cascade CMS telling the browser to render the content as XML, when in fact it is not. The error can be disregarded.