
How can I find which Java installation my Cascade CMS instance is using?

To find the location of the Java installation that your Cascade CMS instance is using, you'll need to check the boot script for your environment:

Linux/*nix and Mac OS X

  • Navigate to the Cascade CMS installation directory
  • View or edit the file
  • See the JRE_HOME variable (top line)
For example:
export JRE_HOME="/usr/local/java/jre"

Windows (service)

  • Navigate to the Cascade CMS installation directory
  • Right-click on the file tomcat/bin/CascadeCMSw.exe and select the option to Run as Administrator
  • Click on the Java tab
  • See the Java Virtual Machine field
For example:
C:\Program Files\Cascade CMS\java\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

In this case, the Java installation is located at C:\Program Files\Cascade CMS\java\jre.

Windows (command line)

  • Navigate to the Cascade CMS installation directory
  • View or edit the cascade.bat file
  • See the JRE_HOME variable near the top
For example:
set JRE_HOME=C:\Program Files\Cascade CMS\java\jre

Additional Information Regarding the JVM

If your instance of Cascade CMS is running, you can find some information about the JVM within the application itself:

  • Click Administration
  • Click Logs and System Information
  • Click the System Information tab
In the General Information section, you'll be able to view the following details regarding your Java installation:

  • Java Version
  • Java Vendor
  • JVM Version
  • JVM Vendor
  • JVM Implementation
  • Java Runtime
  • Java VM