Cascade CMS 20221229


  • Updated system name generation logic used by Asset Factory Plugins and naming suggestion to ensure trailing special characters and successive characters, such as periods and hyphens, are not produced.
  • S3 Transport no longer requires the corresponding S3 bucket to have ACLs enabled. Also replaced the need for a s3:ListAllMyBuckets permission with s3:ListBucket. See S3 Transport page for details.
  • Improved memory usage during the Page rendering process. Also updated XML namespace handling to no longer remove unused namespaces.
  • Improved handling of long running Velocity Formats which result in timeouts.
  • Improved Google Analytics nightly syncing process to help reduce database contention.
  • This release contains an upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.69
  • Added a new copy button to clone/duplicate an occurrence of a field or group that is set to multiple.


  • Addressed an issue where, under certain circumstances, deleting/unpublishing a Folder would not delete the empty directory from the remote server.
  • The icon will once again be shown for high priority Tasks on the dashboard and when viewing Tasks within the My Content area.
  • Publishing related assets via Workflow Publish Trigger will now include all relationships.
  • Overwriting existing assets using an Asset Factory will no longer throw constraint violation errors in certain situations.
  • Addressed an issue where users who can not bypass data checks were able to submit without first viewing all checks with issues.
  • The create and edit Web Services operations will no longer result in a role related error message if the parent Folder requires Workflow.