
System Tags


Cascade CMS recognizes specific XML elements called system tags that are used for dynamic content insertion. System tags are XML elements whose names begin with system-.

System tags may be used as content region tags, which are regions within Templates where content can be inserted as static or dynamic content blocks, or as the result of a Format acting on a block.

System tags may also be used as metadata tags, where page information (title, author, publish date, etc.) can be used as shorthand on a page.

System Region Tags

System region tags are self-closing tags with a single attribute name that is used to specify the name of the region. This region name is used when viewing Templates, Configurations, and Pages.

	<div class="section section-white">
			<div class="container">
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-md-6">
						<system-region name="DEFAULT"/>
					<div class="col-md-6">
						<system-region name="SLIDER"/>
		<system-region name="SPOTLIGHTS"/>
		<system-region name="FOOTER"/>
		<system-region name="FOOTER JS"/>
Note - A system-region named DEFAULT should be the region that contains the main content of a page. Other region names can be used to create as many additional content regions as necessary. If no region exists when the Template is created or edited, a DEFAULT region will automatically be added immediately after the opening <body> tag.
Note - Renaming a system region will cause any Block/Format assignments to be removed from that region. Make sure to take note of any region assignments prior to renaming so that you can assign the corresponding Block/Format back as needed.

Metadata Tags

Metadata tags allow you to include metadata from the current page directly in your Template or page source code.

Available individual metadata system tags.
Tag Description Example Output
<system-page-name/>  The system name of the page. system-tags
<system-page-creator/> The creator of the page. Charlie Holder
<system-page-title/> The contents of the page's Title metadata field. System Tags
<system-page-summary/> The contents of the page's Summary metadata field. Cascade CMS recognizes specific XML elements called system tags that are used for dynamic content insertion.
<system-page-author/> The contents of the page's Author metadata field. Charlie Holder
<system-page-teaser/> The contents of the page's Teaser metadata field. Learn more about system tags in Cascade CMS.
<system-page-keywords/> The contents of the page's Keywords metadata field. tags, metadata, xml
<system-page-description/> The contents of the page's Description metadata field. A review of available system tags in Cascade CMS.
<system-page-display-name/> The contents of the page's Display Name metadata field. System Tags
<system-page-start-date/> The contents of the page's Start Date metadata field, displayed in US date format MMM DD, YYYY hh:mm a. May 1, 2021 12:00 AM
<system-page-end-date/> The contents of the page's End Date metadata field, displayed in US date format MMM DD, YYYY hh:mm a. May 8, 2021 12:00 AM

Additional tags can be used to generate entire metadata elements.

Available meta element generating system tags.
Tag Description Example Output
<system-page-meta-keywords/> A meta element including the contents of the page's Keywords metadata field. <meta content="tags, metadata, xml" name="keywords" />
<system-page-meta-description/> A meta element including the contents of the page's Description metadata field. <meta content="A review of available system tags in Cascade CMS." name="description" />
<system-page-meta-author/> A meta element including the contents of the page's Author metadata field. <meta content="Charlie Holder" name="author" />
<system-page-meta-date/> A meta element including the date and time the page was rendered. <meta content="Fri, 07 May 2021 13:56:22 -0560" name="date" />
Note: Because system tags are XML elements, they may not be used within XML attributes.