Internal Cascade API

Internal Cascade API Changelog

Cascade CMS 8.25

New methods added to existing Cascade API objects

  • New com.hannonhill.cascade.apl.asset.common.PermissionLevel enum added with values NONE, READ and WRITE
  • New methods added to com.hannonhill.cascade.apl.asset.home.PermissionsCapableAsset
    • getAllPermissionLevel() - returns the PermissionLevel applied to all users that do not have an explicit ACL entry
    • setAllPermissionLevel(PermissionLevel) - updates the PermissionLevel for the asset
    • addReadAccessUser(String) - adds an explicit READ permission for the given user name
    • addWriteAccessUser(String) - adds an explicit WRITE permission for the given user name
    • addReadAccessGroup(String) - adds an explicit READ permission for the given group name
    • addWriteAccessGroup(String) - adds an explicit WRITE permission for the given group name
    • clearPermissions() - Clears explicit ACL entries and sets all permission level to NONE

Cascade CMS 8.22

New Query API Methods

Cascade Cloud v20220802

New methods added to existing Cascade API objects

  • New methods added to com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.StructuredDataCapableAsset
    • getStructuredDataNodeWithFieldId() - returns the first found StructuredDataNode that matches given field-id
    • getStructuredDataNodesWithFieldId() - returns a List<StructuredDataNode> of StructuredDataNode objects that match given field-id
  • New methods added to com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.StructuredDataNode
    • getChildWithFieldId() - returns the first found child StructuredDataNode that matches given field-id
    • getChildrenWithFieldId() - returns a List<StructuredDataNode> of child StructuredDataNode objects that match given field-id
    • getDefinitionFieldId() - returns the field-id for the StructuredDataNode

Cascade CMS 8.16

New Cascade API Objects

  • com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.ContentType - represents a Content Type asset
    • This object inherits all methods from SiteManagementAreaAsset
  • com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.MetadataSet - represents a Metadata Set asset
    • This object inherits all methods from SiteManagementAreaAsset
  • com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.StructuredDataDefinition - represents a Data Definition asset
    • This object inherits all methods from SiteManagementAreaAsset
  • com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.FieldItem - contains the label and value information of an individual item that can be selected for a given checkbox, radio, dropdown or multiselect Dynamic Metadata or Structured Data field. If no label is present, the value will be used as the field item's label.
  • com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.ImageDimensions - contains the width and height (in pixels) for an image file

New methods added to existing Cascade API Objects

  • New methods added to com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.Page
    • getDataDefinition() - returns com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.StructuredDataDefinition, which is the Data Definition associated with the Page
    • getContentType() - returns com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.ContentType, which is the Content Type associated with the Page
  • New method added to com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.XHTMLDataDefinitionBlock
    • getDataDefinition() - returns com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.StructuredDataDefinition, which is the Data Definition associated with the Block
  • New method added to com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.MetadataAwareAsset
    • getMetadataSet() - returns com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.MetadataSet, which is the Metadata Set associated with the asset
  • New method added to com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.File
    • getImageDimensions() - returns com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.ImageDimensions, which are the dimentions of an image file, if present
  • DynamicMetadataField.getPossibleFieldItems() and StructuredDataNode.getPossibleFieldItems() returns a List<FieldItem> of all possible field items that can be selected for a given checkbox, radio, dropdown or multiselect field. An empty list will be returned for fields that do not support selecting field items.
  • DynamicMetadataField.getSelectedFieldItems() and StructuredDataNode.getSelectedFieldItems() returns a List<FieldItem> of all selected field items for a given checkbox, radio, dropdown or multiselect field. An empty list will be returned for fields that do not support selecting field items.
    • Note: dropdowns that allow custom values will return a field item which uses the custom value as its label and value.
  • Added StructuredDataNode.getLabel() to access the label of a given Structured Data field.

New Locator Tool Methods

  • locateFormat(String path, String siteName) and locateFormat(String path) - returns a Format at the given path and in the given site (optional).
  • locateLinkable(String path, String siteName) and locateLinkable(String path) - returns a Page, File, External Link, or Block at the given path and in the given site (optional).


  • When working with API objects, metadata and dynamic metadata fields will be cached after loading to improve rendering time during operations such as sorting on dynamic metadata values.

Cascade CMS 8.13


  • The TextBlockAPIAdapter.getText method will no longer return a wrapping <system-xml> element with the Block's text content.

Cascade CMS 8.12


  • Consecutive calls with structuredData, getStructuredDataNode(), or getStructuredDataNodes() will now be cached to improve rendering times.


  • will no longer return an id for group elements.

Cascade CMS 8.11

New Cascade API Methods

  • DynamicMetadataField.hasValue(String) - checks if the given value is within the selected values.
  • DynamicMetadataField.isDatetime() - returns true if the field is a date-time field.

Cascade CMS 8.9

New Cascade API methods:

  • FolderContainedAsset.getTags() - Returns a list of Strings that are tag names assigned to given asset.
    • Velocity example: #set($pageTags = $page.tags).
  • Site.getAvailableTags() - Returns a list of Strings that are tags available in given site, which includes system level tags. The resulting list has unique values and #is sorted alphabetically.
    • Velocity example: #set($allTags = $

New Query API methods:

  • hasAnyTags(['tag1', 'tag2']) - Limits the search results to assets that have at least one of given tags
  • hasTag('tag') - Same as calling hasAnyTags(['tag'])
  • hasAnyMetadataValues(String fieldName, Collection<String> fieldValues) - Same as calling the existing hasMetadata(String fieldName, Collection<String> fieldValues), but the method name has been updated to be more clear about the method is doing (similar to hasAnyTags).
    • Deprecated:  hasMetadata(fieldName, values)
  • The toString() method for Query API with the information about tags
  • The hard max limit on Query API returned assets has been increased from 500 to 2,000 to help with use cases where 500 assets was not enough.
    • A note about performance: tests have shown that fetching 2,000 assets takes ~2 times longer than fetching 400 assets.

Other Improvements

  • The FolderContainedAsset.getLinkingAssets() method will now return assets linked through Data Definition chooser fields

Cascade CMS 8.7

Site asset has 3 new methods:

  • getNamingRuleCase()
  • getNamingRuleSpacing()
  • getNamingRuleAssets()

These methods return effective naming rules inside of that site. This means that if the Site inherits naming rules, the system-wide naming rules will be returned.

Also, a new method transform() has been added to FilenameNormalizer that transforms given asset's name based on the naming rules inside of the asset's site. 

systemName = utilityProvider.getFilenameNormalizer().transform(asset, systemName);

Cascade CMS 8.6


  • Added a new method StructuredDataNode.hasTextValue(String) that checks if the given value is within the selected values.


  • StructuredDataNode.getTextValues() no longer returns an extra empty value.

Cascade CMS 8.1.1

New methods exposed on objects

Asset now expose a label property $asset.label that returns Display Name, Title, or the asset's system name -- whichever is populated first. This is convenience method for quickly accessing this information.


New API objects

  • New API object com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.Site that represents a Site asset
    • This object inherits all methods from PermissionsCapableAsset
    • In addition to these methods, it has getUrl() method that returns String URL of the Site.
  • New class that API objects inherit from com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.SiteManagementAreaAsset
    • This class inherits from com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.PermissionsCapableAsset
    • It contains method getSite() which returns com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.Site, which is a Site in which the asset is located.
  • API objects that now inherit from com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.SiteManagementAreaAsset:
    • com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.DestinationContainer
    • com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.Transport
    • com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.Destination
    • com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.AssetFactory

New methods in existing API objects

  • New method in com.hannonhill.cascade.webservice.schema.FolderContainedAsset
    • getSite() - returns com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.admin.Site, which is a Site in which the asset is located.
  • New method in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.common.BaseAsset
    • getAssetType() - returns a String that represents the type of the current asset, equivalent to calling getIdentifer().getType().toString()
  • New method in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.Block
    • getBlockType() - returns a String that represents type of the block
  • New method in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.Format
    • getFormatType() - returns a String that represents type of the format
  • New method in com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.MetadataAwareAsset
    • getLinkingAssets() - returns a List of com.hannonhill.cascade.api.asset.home.FolderContainedAssetsthat contain links to this asset in their content through ', language: 'en', searchInputs: ['cludo-search-form', 'cludo-search-form-top'], hideSearchFilters: true, focusOnResultsAfterSearch: true, type: 'inline', template: 'InlineBasic', disableAutocomplete: true }; CludoSearch = new Cludo(cludoSettings); CludoSearch.init(); })();