Configuring outbound proxy support for system-generated emails


If you use a proxy for outbound connections with Cascade CMS, you may encounter error messages like the one seen below for any system-generated emails (such as workflow notification emails):

2020-06-24 16:01:31,504 ERROR [SendGridEmail] {User: ..., id: not specified, type: not specified} Could not send mail Workflow: ... to ... : org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)

As of Cascade CMS version 8.16, system-generated emails sent via SendGrid can support outbound proxies so long as your proxy host and port settings are properly configured in your JAVA_OPTS:

  • For Linux/*nix admins, the JAVA_OPTS line will be located in the file at the root of your Cascade CMS installation.
  • For Windows admins running Cascade CMS with the Windows Service, JAVA_OPTS can be found using the steps below:
    • In Windows Explorer, right-click on the file tomcat/bin/CascadeCMSw.exe.
    • Select Run as Administrator.
    • Switch to the Java tab and locate the Java Options field.
  • For Windows admins running Cascade CMS via the command line, the JAVA_OPTS line will be located in the cascade.bat file at the root of your Cascade CMS installation.

Using the corresponding steps for your O/S vendor above, add the following parameters to your JAVA_OPTS, substituting the correct values for your outbound proxy host and port: 