
Publishing Related Content


Often times, content you're working on will affect other pages in your site, and you may like to publish that related content along with it.

For instance, if you edit a contact information block, you may want to publish all pages that use that block. Or you may want to publish your site's homepage when you create a news item, so that the homepage news feed pulls in the new story.

Cascade CMS offers a couple ways to achieve this:

  • Publishable Relationships - When publishing, selecting the View and Publish Related Content option prompts you to view the asset's Relationships and opt to publish them. Relationships are created automatically when assets link to each other in their content, but can also be manually created to establish relationships between assets that aren't directly linked.
  • Content Type Publish Sets - The Include Publish Set option allows you publish the Publish Set associated with the page’s Content Type. Associating a Publish Set with a Content Type is a great way to ensure that related content is published when new pages of that page type are created and published.

Publishable Relationships

Relationships are assets that are related, either directly or manually, to another asset. For example, Pages or Blocks that link to the page you're viewing will be listed as Relationships for that page.

Publishable Relationships are related assets that can be published: Folders, Pages, and Files.

You can view an asset's relationships by selecting More > Relationships.

relationships menu

From this menu you can select publishable assets from the list to publish or click Publish All to publish all publishable relationships.

If related content doesn't directly link to your asset, you can also manually associate Folders, Pages, or Files with an asset:

  1. Click More > Relationships.
  2. Under Create a manual relationship click Choose Publishable Site Content.
  3. Select a folder, page, or file asset and click Choose.
  4. Click Close when you've finished adding or removing relationships.
Note - Only manually-added relationships can be removed from the Relationships menu. To remove a linked relationship, you must edit the related asset directly to remove the link.
Tip - Ensure that related assets are published along with an asset in workflow by adding a publish-related-assets parameter to your Publish trigger.

Content Type Publish Sets

If you have content you'd like to publish each time a new page of a given type is published, such as publishing a blog landing page or RSS feed whenever a new blog page is published, you can achieve this by associating a Publish Set with the appropriate Content Type.

To add a Publish Set to a Content Type:

  1. Navigate to the Content Type and click Edit > Publish Options.
  2. Under Publish Set, click Choose Publish Set.
  3. Select the appropriate Publish Set and click Choose.
  4. Click Submit.
Note - If you would like contributors to be able to publish Content Type Publish Sets along with a page, ensure they have the following Site Role abilities enabled:
  • Access the Manage Site area
  • Access Publish Sets
  • Publish readable Administration area assets
as well as read access to the Publish Set itself.
Tip - Ensure that the associated Publish Set is published along with an asset in workflow by adding a publish-related-publishset parameter to the Publish trigger in your Workflow Definition.