Data Definition XML Schema Reference


The Group element
Tag Name Parent Element Description Req.
group {group}

Used to group collections of fields together. Groups are collapsible and can be nested inside of other groups.



Attributes of the Group element
Attribute Name Values Description Req.
identifier [alphanumeric]

The name of the resultant XML tag upon outputting the Data Definition.

label [string]

The text displayed on the screen as the title of the grouping.

multiple true, false

Whether or not this group of items can be repeated by the user.

maximum-number [numeric]

The maximum number of times this group can be repeated (only applicable if multiple="true").

minimum-number [numeric]

The minimum number of times this group should be repeated (only applicable if multiple="true").

restrict-to-groups [groups]

A comma separated list of groups that his field is restricted to for access purposes. If the user is not a member of one of the groups, the field does not appear.

collapsed true, false

States whether or not the group should be collapsed upon the form load. The user can always manually collapse and expand groups after the form loads. Default: false.


Shared Field

The Shared Field element
Tag Name Parent Element Description Req.
shared-field  {group}

Used to embed a Shared Field, a centrally-managed and shareable field or field group.



Attributes for the Shared Field element
Attribute Name Values Description Req.
identifier [alphanumeric]

The name of the resultant XML tag upon outputting the Data Definition.

field-id [string]

Unique identifier automatically generated by Cascade CMS which associates the field with the persisted structured data content. If this value is changed, existing content will no longer be associated with this field and future Data Definition versions.

path [string]

The path to the Shared Field asset within the CMS.

label [string]

The text displayed on the screen as the label of the field.

required true, false

Whether or not this field is required.

default [string]

The default value of the field.

maximum-number [numeric]

The maximum number of additional fields allowed (only applicable if multiple="true").

minimum-number [numeric]

The minimum number of additional fields (only applicable if multiple="true").

Note - Some of the attributes listed above may not be applicable to your Shared Field type. Please reference the section corresponding to the appropriate field type for applicable attributes.


The Asset element
Tag Name Parent Element Description Req.
asset {group}

Used to allow the user to choose an existing asset within the CMS (limited to pages, files, blocks, and symlinks).



Attributes of the Asset element
Attribute Name Values Description Req.
identifier [alphanumeric]

The name of the resultant XML tag upon outputting the Data Definition.

field-id  [string]

Unique identifier automatically generated by Cascade CMS which associates the field with the persisted structured data content. If this value is changed, existing content will no longer be associated with this field and future Data Definition versions.

label [string]

The text displayed on the screen as the label of the asset chooser.

multiple true, false

Whether or not the user is allowed to create additional assets.

required true, false

Whether or not this field is required.

help-text [string]

Help information that is specific to the field.

maximum-number [numeric]

The maximum number of additional fields allowed (only applicable if multiple="true").

minimum-number [numeric]

The minimum number of times this asset should be repeated (only applicable if multiple="true").

type "page", "file", "block", "symlink", or "page,file,symlink"

The type of asset chooser used to filter the available choices. A value of "page,file,symlink" will allow any of those three asset types to be selected in a single chooser.

render-content-depth 1-231, unlimited

This specifies how many levels deep content of nested asset choosers should be rendered, including the current asset. For example, "1" means only content of current asset should be rendered and content of selected asset should not be rendered; "2" means that content of current and selected asset should be rendered, but if selected asset contains any asset choosers, then contents of selected assets for those choosers should not be rendered. If this attribute is not specified, or an invalid value is present, a value of "1" is assumed.

restrict-to-groups [groups]

A comma separated list of groups that his field is restricted to for access purposes. If the user is not a member of one of the groups, the field does not appear.

restrict-to-folder  [string]

A path to a folder to which asset selection or uploads will be restricted (ex. "/_files/images" or "site://Site Name/_files/images").



The Text element
Tag Name Parent Element Description Req.
text {group}

Used for manual input from the user resulting in a text valued stored for the XML.



Attributes of the Text element
Attribute Name Values Description Req.
identifier [alphanumeric]

The name of the resultant XML tag upon outputting the Data Definition.

field-id [string]

Unique identifier automatically generated by Cascade CMS which associates the field with the persisted structured data content. If this value is changed, existing content will no longer be associated with this field and future Data Definition versions.

label [string]

The text displayed on the screen as the label of the text field.

multiple true, false

Whether or not the user is allowed to create additional text fields.

required true, false

Whether or not this field is required.

default [string]

The default value of the text field.

multi-line true, false

For text input fields, whether or not it should have multiple input lines.

maximum-number [numeric]

The maximum number of additional fields allowed (only applicable if multiple="true").

minimum-number [numeric]

The minimum number of additional fields (only applicable if multiple="true").

regular-expression [JavaScript regular expression]

A JavaScript regular expression with which to match the data inputted by the user. If the regular expression provided is invalid, it will be ignored. Non-required fields that are left empty will not be validated against the regular expression.

input-data-format [string]

The value to display to the user if the regular expression doesn't match.

wysiwyg true, false

Whether or not the text field should be a visual word processor.

wysiwyg-toolbar-remove (deprecated) font formatting, font assignment, text formatting, insert image, insert table, html view

Elements of the WYSIWYG that can be removed from the toolbar.

Only valid when wysiwyg="true". (Deprecated in favor of configuration.)

configuration [string]

The name of a same-site WYSIWYG Editor Configuration or path to a cross-site configuration (ex. "site://Site Name/Configuration Name").

Only valid when wysiwyg="true".

rows [numeric]

Number of rows when multi-line=”true”.

cols [numeric]

Number of columns when multi-line=”true”.

maxlength [numeric]

The maximum number of characters in a standard text field.

size [numeric]

The width of a standard text field.

help-text [string]

Help information that is specific to the field.

type checkbox, dropdown, radiobutton, multi-selector, datetime

The type of text input field. Leave attribute out for a standard text input box. Please note that the value "calendar" is deprecated in favor of "datetime."

restrict-to-groups [groups]

A comma separated list of groups that his field is restricted to for access purposes. If the user is not a member of one of the groups, the field does not appear.

allow-custom-values true, false

For dropdown fields only; specifies whether or not a user can enter a custom value into the field.

restrict-to-folder [string]

A path to a folder to which image and file/link selection or uploads will be restricted (ex. "/_files/images" or "site://Site Name/_files/images"). 

Only valid when wysiwyg="true".



The Checkbox Item element
Tag Name Parent Element Description Req.
checkbox-item text

Available items only used with text type of checkbox.



Attributes of the Checkbox Item element
Attribute Name Values Description Req.
value [string]

The value displayed on screen if no label is provided and in the resulting XML.

label [string]

The text displayed on screen as the label of the value.

checked true, false

Whether or not this item is currently checked.

show-fields [string]

Contains paths to fields that should appear when this checkbox is checked. These fields will be hidden by default. Field paths should be comma separated. The field path should include the field's ancestor group identifiers and the field's identifier. Each section of the path should be separated by "/" character, for example: "fieldIdentifier, groupIdentifier/fieldIdentifier, group1Id/group2Id/fieldId".



The Selector Item element
Tag Name Parent Element Description Req.
selector-item text

Available items only used with text type of multi-selector.



Attributes of the Selector Item element
Attribute Name Values Description Req.
value [string]

The value displayed on screen if no label is provided and in the resulting XML.

label [string]

The text displayed on screen as the label of the value.

selected true, false

Whether or not this item is currently selected.

show-fields [string]

Contains paths to fields that should appear when this item is selected. These fields will be hidden by default. Field paths should be comma separated. The field path should include the field's ancestor group identifiers and the field's identifier. Each section of the path should be separated by "/" character, for example: "fieldIdentifier, groupIdentifier/fieldIdentifier, group1Id/group2Id/fieldId".



The Radio Item element
Tag Name Parent Element Description Req.
radio-item text

Available items only used with text type of radio button.



Attributes of the Radio Item element
Attribute Name Values Description Req.
value [string]

The value displayed on screen if no label is provided and in the resulting XML.

label [string]

The text displayed on screen as the label of the value.

show-fields [string]

Contains paths to fields that should appear when this radiobutton is selected. These fields will be hidden by default. Field paths should be comma separated. The field path should include the field's ancestor group identifiers and the field's identifier. Each section of the path should be separated by "/" character, for example: "fieldIdentifier, groupIdentifier/fieldIdentifier, group1Id/group2Id/fieldId".
