
Search isn't returning expected results

The steps outlined here can be followed if the Search functionality and/or the Full Search/Replace tools aren't returning expected results.

  • Check (or have one of your admins check) the Background Tasks Report. While viewing this report, use the Filter Results option (top right) and change the Task Type dropdown to Build Search Index.
  • Once the table loads, take a look at the Status column for the most recent task 
      • If the task shows as Completed, verify that the Duration column shows a value that is greater than 00:00. If the Duration is 00:00, this generally indicates that there is a permissions issue affecting the application's indexes directory. This can be verified by locating the cascade.log file for the day in question and searching for messages like the following:

        ERROR [SearchServiceImpl] Could not reset lucene directory, assets will not be added to search index: Cannot delete C:\Program Files\Cascade CMS\tomcat\indexes\segments.gen
        Note: If messages like the one above are found in the log files, your CMS administrator will need to ensure that the O/S account running Cascade CMS has full privileges to the application's indexes folder on the application server. To find the O/S account that is currently being used for the app, follow the steps outlined here.
      • If the task shows as Unfinished, this would indicate that the application may have experienced an ungraceful shutdown during that rebuilding process. If this is the case, follow the steps in this article to begin a new rebuild task.

        Note: Pay special attention to the Duration that you see for previous rebuild tasks so that you have an idea of how long this may take. While search results will begin to populate immediately on rebuild, you may need to wait until the entire job is completed in order to see the results you're expecting.
      • If the task shows as Running, wait until it completes and then check once again to see if your search terms return the results that you expect. To get an idea of how long the task may take to complete, look at the Duration of previous tasks for building the search indexes. In the event that results still aren't appearing, attempt to rebuild your search indexes once more.
Still having trouble? Reach out to support [at] and we'll be happy to help investigate further.