
Creating a database backup


Execute a command similar to the following to create a database dump:

mysqldump -u root -p -e --default-character-set=utf8mb3 --add-drop-table cascade > cascade_backup.sql
Note: The example above assumes that the database name is cascade.

SQL Server

SQL Server users should follow these instructions for creating a database dump in SQL Server Management Studio:

  1. Right-click on the Cascade CMS database.
  2. Select Tasks > Back Up...
  3. On the General page:
    • Backup Type: Full
    • Destination: make note of the path to which the database will be dumped.
  4. Click OK.


Oracle users should enter the following from a command prompt (or wherever exp can be executed):

expdp cascade/cascade directory=backups dumpfile=clientDATE.dmp
Note: When creating a database dump, DO NOT export using the system user.