
Setting up the database (SQL Server)

Step 1: Download Cascade CMS database

  • Download the  Cascade CMS database.
  • Unzip the database and place the cascade.mdf and cascade_log.ldf files in your SQL Server data folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\DATA )

Step 2: Attach the Cascade CMS database to SQL Server

  • Open SQL Server Management Studio. In SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine and then expand that instance.
  • Right-click Databases, and select Attach. The Attach Databases dialog box appears.
  • To specify the database to be attached, click Add. In the Locate Database Files dialog box, navigate to the SQL Server data folder into which you just dropped the database files, select cascade.mdf, and click OK.
  • (Optional) To specify a different name for the database to attach as, enter the name in the Attach as column of the Attach database dialog box.
  • (Optional)To change the owner of the database, select a different entry in the Owner column.
  • Click OK to complete the database attachment.

Step 3: Set the Database Isolation Level to snapshot

Setting the isolation level to 'snapshot' increases performance with Cascade CMS.

Execute the following queries while Cascade CMS is not running and no other connections to the database are open:


where [databaseName]  is the name of your Cascade CMS database.

Your SQL Server database is now configured and ready to be used by Cascade CMS.