Publish Errors

The folder hierarchy does not allow this asset to be published

This error message indicates that one or more of the parent folders of the asset you're attempting to publish is not enabled for publishing. Assets contained in folders not enabled for publishing are not publishable, even if they're set to publish at an individual level.To enable a folder for...

Asset is not set to publish. Please enable publishing for this asset and try again.

This error message indicates that the asset you're attempting to publish is not enabled for publishing. To enable the asset for publishing: Edit the asset. Select the Configure tab. Enable the Include when publishing option. Submit your changes.

You are not authorized to schedule future publish dates

As of Cascade CMS v8.2 the Start Date field publishes the asset at the selected date. If a user receives the following error during submission, that means their Site Role does not allow them to Publish: You are not authorized to schedule future publish dates. Please contact an administrator for...

SFTP: Read timed out

Users may see the following error message when attempting to publish to an SFTP server: com.hannonhill.cascade.model.publish.transmit.ShuttleRuntimeException: SFTP error occurred during SFTP Shuttle setup: Session.connect: Read timed out This error is typically...

This asset cannot be published because there are no publishable configurations

When attempting to publish a page, the following message may appear in the interface: This asset cannot be published because there are no publishable configurations To resolve this, you must enable publishing for at least one of the Outputs for the page: While previewing the page, click Details...

Invalid privatekey error when publishing via SFTP

When using SSH Key authentication for SFTP Transports, you may see the following errors when testing the Transport or when publishing to a Destination using the Transport: SFTP error occurred during SFTP Shuttle initialization: invalid privatekey: [x@xxxxxxx To resolve the issue, upload your SSH...

Permissions issues when publishing to Filesystem Transports

To correct permission issues when using Filesystem Transports, you'll need to make sure that the boot script is updated accordingly. By default, the Tomcat container which Cascade CMS runs on will use a UMASK of 0027 which can lead to permission issues when trying to serve those files via a web...

I won't open a connection to <ip address 1> (only to <ip address 2>)

When attempting to publish to an FTP server, users may encounter messages like the following: I won't open a connection to <ip address 1> (only to <ip address 2>) This error typically indicates that the underlying Transport is configured to use Active FTP while the target server only...

Problems connecting via SFTP to Solarwinds Serv-U servers

When attempting to publish via SFTP to a Solarwinds Serv-U 15.3.2+ server, one or both of the following error messages may be seen in publish reports: SFTP error: connection resetSFTP error occurred during SFTP Shuttle initialization: Session.connect: End of IO Stream...

No Destinations or WordPress Connectors available

When attempting to publish a page, the following message may appear in the interface: You cannot publish (or unpublish) this asset because there are no Destinations or WordPress Connectors available.  The following scenarios could be the cause of the message: There are Destinations...

You cannot publish (or unpublish) this asset because there are no Destinations or WordPress Connectors available.

This error message means that the User trying to publish (or unpublish) does not belong to an applicable group in any of the Site's Destination settings.  To solve: Click Manage Site and then select Destinations. Edit the Destination or Destinations to which the User needs to...

Could not connect to FTPS server: NotAfter

When attempting to publish to an FTPS server, users may encounter messages like the following: Could not connect to FTPS server ( : NotAfter: Sat May 30 06:00:00 EDT 2020 This error indicates that the SSL/TLS certificate configured at the target FTPS server has expired....

Could not put file with path 'FILE_PATH' onto server: Permission denied

When publishing, users may see the following error message in their publish notifications: Error occurred during SFTP transport: Could not put file with path 'FILE_PATH' onto server: Permission denied This error indicates that the SFTP account being used to connect to the target server does not...

Error occurred during FTP transport: Accept timed out

Users may see the following error message when attempting to publish to a FTP server: Error occurred during FTP transport: Accept timed out This error is typically caused by the connection attempting to use Active mode as opposed to Passive mode when connecting to the target web server. To force...

Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message

The following error may appear when publishing to a web server via FTPS: Could not connect to FTPS server (host:21) : Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message This error occurs when the FTPS Transport is configured to connect to a target server using explicit FTPS over port 21. Cascade CMS...

Could not put file with path '<path>' onto server: Failure

When attempting to publish to an FTPS server, users may encounter messages like the following: Could not put file with path '<path>' onto server: Failure The most common cause for this error is that the target web server has run out of disk space. It is recommended to check (or have your...