Cascade CMS 8.13.2

Cascade CMS 8.13.2 is a patch release containing support for Microsoft SQL Server 2017, various UI improvements across the application, fixes to Web Services and Publish Triggers among other improvements and fixes.

  View Requirements


  • Text within asset links (asset names) can now be selected throughout the application on non-mobile devices.
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 is now supported; 2012 is deprecated and support will be removed in the next on-premise release on or after 3/12/2020.


  • Help text for metadata fields is no longer lost when copying a Metadata Set.
  • Reading a Workflow Definition and Workflow (via readWorkflowInformation) using Web Services will now include Custom Workflow Emails.
  • Addressed an issue where long Show Field option labels made editing fields difficult in the Data Definition Builder.
  • The My Sites widget will now correctly display the user's most recent sites.
  • It is no longer possible to submit empty comments or replies to comments.
  • Corrected an issue where user and group choosers would not properly handle user and group names containing a comma.
  • The entityPath provided to Publish Triggers will no longer be empty during an unpublish job that is triggered from a move/rename operation.
  • Updating the structured data of an asset in varying order using Web Services will no longer lead to unexpected results.

First time installation?

Be sure to import our default database schema prior to installing Cascade CMS for the first time. Then follow the appropriate installation instructions for your environment.

Upgrade Steps

  1. Shut down your currently running Cascade CMS environment.
  2. Before you upgrade, we strongly recommend that you back-up your production database as well as set up a test environment and perform a trial run of the upgrade. All customers are entitled to a test license for this purpose.
  3. Read the release notes and upgrade guides for all releases between your version and the latest version.
  4. Check the table below to see which installer type is required.

Which installer should I use?

With certain upgrade paths, a full installation of Cascade CMS is required in order to ensure that the application has the latest required libraries. See the table below for a summary of which installer you should use based on the version from which you are upgrading. For any versions that do not require a full installation, using the ROOT.war upgrade method is allowed.

Upgrade Path
Upgrading From Full Installation Required
7.x Yes
8.0.x - 8.13 Yes
8.13.1 No