Installation & Upgrades

Setting up a test environment

Prepare the test server

  1. Install the latest version of Cascade CMS.
  2. Create a backup of your production database and import it as a new database.
    • Note: Organizations using MySQL should verify that the collation of the new database is configured properly according to these instructions.
  3. Configure the test environment to point to the test database.

Disable publishing to Destinations

Run the following query on your test database to prevent assets from the test environment from being published to your production web server(s):

UPDATE cxml_destination SET isEnabled=0;

If you're testing the application using your production database and testing publishing, we recommend setting up a test Destination that points to a test/staging server.

Disable SMTP server emails

Run the following query on your test database to prevent emails that use the SMTP configuration (such as LDAP sync emails) from being generated by the test server:

DELETE FROM cxml_preferences WHERE fieldName LIKE '%smtp%';

Disable connectors

Run the following query on your test database to disable connections to connectors such as Google Analytics:

UPDATE cxml_connector SET isVerified =0;

You can selectively re-enable connectors under Manage Site > Connectors in each site.

Disable the Siteimprove integration

Run the following query on your test database to prevent the Siteimprove integration from running checks on pages in the test environment:

UPDATE cxml_preferences SET fieldValue = 'off' WHERE fieldName = 'system_pref_siteimprove_enabled';
UPDATE cxml_preferences SET fieldValue = null WHERE fieldName = 'system_pref_siteimprove_token';

Wrapping up

  1. Start Cascade CMS.
  2. Enter a valid license for your test server.
    • Note: Because the database was copied from production, the license for the production machine is stored in this database.
    • If this is your first time setting up a test environment and you need a license, contact Hannon Hill Product Support and be sure to provide us with the internal hostname of the test server (which can be retrieved by entering the command hostname at the command prompt/terminal).
  3. Navigate to Administration > Preferences > System > General
    • Change the System URL to reflect the URL of your test environment.
    • Change the System Name to indicate that the instance is a Test or Development instance.
    • (Optional) Select a System Label Color for to visually distinguish your test environment from your production environment.