Cascade CMS 8.21

Cascade CMS version 8.21 includes improvements to the workflow interface, a new workflows report, and multi-tabbed editing. Performance enhancements have also been made for copying Pages and edits to Content Types as well as Structured Data Blocks/Pages. Various other improvements and fixes have also been included.


  • Workflow-related modals and screens have been improved and streamlined throughout the application.
  • Introduced a new Workflows Report which displays a list of in-progress and/or completed workflows within sites that you can access.
  • Editing content in multiple browser tabs is now supported. For example, you can now work on multiple Drafts simultaneously or copy content from one Edit screen to another without needing to close out existing Edit screens first.
  • We've reduced the amount of system resources used when creating a copy of a page asset.
  • Improved load time of structured data edit modals with many visible dropdown, WYSIWYG and datepicker fields.
  • Introduced new system-wide keystore System Preferences and removed keystore settings from LDAP configuration.


  • Addressed an issue in which (un)starring a Role would not properly update the interface.
  • Workflow Definitions using the auto-name setting will once again use the Workflow Definition's name plus the asset's title, display name or system name when a new Workflow is initialized.
  • Addressed an issue in which browsers would attempt to autofill certain fields within the System Preferences and other areas of the application.
  • Optimized Content Type edit form to prevent issues when loading the edit modal and during submission.
  • Addressed an issue where special characters within XML Feed Blocks were improperly serialized.

Updated Tomcat Default HTTP Connector Attributes

The default Tomcat HTTP Connector attributes, maxParameterCount and maxPostSize, within conf/server.xml have been updated to 1000000 and 40MB respectively.

First time installation?

Be sure to import our default database schema prior to installing Cascade CMS for the first time. Then follow the appropriate installation instructions for your environment.

Upgrade Steps

  1. Shut down your currently running Cascade CMS environment.
  2. Before you upgrade, we strongly recommend that you back-up your production database as well as set up a test environment and perform a trial run of the upgrade. All customers are entitled to a test license for this purpose.
  3. Read the release notes and upgrade guides for all releases between your version and the latest version.

Server Requirements (for CMS deployment)

System requirements for Cascade CMS
  Requirement Notes
  • 8-core (recommended)
  • Quad core (minimum)
Cascade can be run in virtualized environments like VMware and Hyper-V.
  • 8GB RAM (recommended)
  • 6GB RAM (minimum)
It is recommended to allocate approximately 1/2 of the server’s total memory to Cascade CMS.
Hard Drive Space
  • 25GB (recommended)
  • 15GB (minimum)

Supported Platforms

Supported platforms for Cascade CMS.
  Supported platform(s) Supported version(s) Notes
Java platforms OpenJDK
  • OpenJDK 11.0.10+9
64-bit is recommended for all platforms.
Operating System Microsoft Windows Server
  • 2019
  • 2016
  • 2012 / 2012 R2
macOS Server
  • 10.4 or later
  • 64-bit (recommended)
  • 32-bit
Databases1 MySQL
  • 8
  • 5.7
  • 5.6
Microsoft SQL Server
  • 2019
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 19c
  • 18c
  • 12c
Web servers Apache    
Microsoft IIS    
Sun Java System Web Server   Formerly Netscape Enterprise Server.
Zeus Web Server    
Web browsers Chrome
  • Chrome 50+
  • Edge
Mozilla Firefox
  • Firefox 45+

  • Safari 8+

1 Support is maintained for up to 3 versions from each database vendor. When support for a new database version is added, support for the oldest version is deprecated and will be removed in the first on-premise release 6 months on or after the date of deprecation.