Cascade CMS 8.8.1

Cascade CMS 8.8.1 contains performance improvements relating to the Siteimprove plugin and a number of improvements/fixes for issues introduced in the 8.x series.

  View Requirements


  • Loading times have been improved for the Sites table and Sites drop-down menus used throughout the application.

Issues Fixed

  • Various background job scheduling issues relating to an asset's Start Date, End Date, and Review Date Metadata Fields and Workflows have been fixed.
  • The left-hand Site Content tree will no longer be in a collapsed state when viewing a draft of a new asset.
  • Updating Content Types with the Bulk Change tool will no longer overwrite page-level region assignments.
  • When fetching Feed Blocks, the system will be able to connect to remote servers running older SSL protocols and ciphers.
  • Data truncation errors will no longer appear in the application logs when background task error messages are longer than 250 characters.
  • Workflows containing a Version trigger will now create versions for Block assets.
  • Configurations linked to previous versions of a Content Type can now be deleted.
  • Addressed a Siteimprove plugin performance issue caused by rechecking a Publish Set that contains the Site's base folder.
  • Addressed issues where the Siteimprove plugin would send many repeated API requests to recheck content on publish and generally made the rechecking of content on publish more efficient.
  • Submitting a Page level block or format region assignment change will no longer display an error message indicating no “configuration could be found”
  • A user friendly error message will now be shown when editing a draft in one tab and discarding that draft in another.
  • The advanced code editor will once again be available when creating new Files.
  • Internal links within Velocity Formats will now be updated to reference the correct asset after a Site or Folder copy.

First time installation?

Be sure to import our default database schema prior to installing Cascade CMS for the first time. Then follow the appropriate installation instructions for your environment.

Upgrade Steps

  1. Shut down your currently running Cascade CMS environment.
  2. Before you upgrade, we strongly recommend that you back-up your production database as well as set up a test environment and perform a trial run of the upgrade. All customers are entitled to a test license for this purpose.
  3. Read the release notes and upgrade guides for all releases between your version and the latest version.
  4. Check the table below to see which installer type is required.

Which installer should I use?

With certain upgrade paths, a full installation of Cascade CMS is required in order to ensure that the application has the latest required libraries. See the table below for a summary of which installer you should use based on the version from which you are upgrading. For any versions that do not require a full installation, using the ROOT.war upgrade method is allowed.

Upgrade requirements for Cascade CMS releases
Upgrading From Full Installation Required
7.x Yes
8.0.x Yes
8.1.x Yes
8.2.x Yes
8.3 No
8.4.x No
8.5 No
8.6.x No
8.7.x No
8.8 No