Workflow Triggers

Publish Set Trigger


This trigger publishes all assets in a designated Publish Set, as defined in its parameter. This is helpful when want to publish multiple items after a single asset is created or is changed. A common example is publishing an RSS feed, archives page, front page, and site map or index when publishing a press release.

Note - When adding the Version Trigger, Merge Trigger, and any publish trigger, they must execute in this order to properly perform all these actions in the database.


<trigger class="com.cms.workflow.function.PublishSetTrigger" name="PublishSet"/>


<trigger name="PublishSet">  
      <value>/Intranet/Press Releases</value>  


Name Parameter

   <value>/Intranet/Press Releases</value>  

The name of the Publish Set, as defined by the path in the system, is used to determine which Publish Set to publish. When the Name parameter is specified, the trigger will look for the Publish Set in the same Site to which the asset in the workflow belongs.

ID Parameter


The ID of the Publish Set is used to determine which Publish Set to publish. Note that the ID parameter takes a higher priority than Name parameter. For example, if you were to provide both parameters and each pointed to a different asset, the Publish Set specified in the ID parameter would be used.

Authorizing-Type Parameter


The authorizing-type parameter is set when calling the trigger on an action. The authorizing-type parameter is used in any trigger that executes to a publish and is used to specify which user is "authorizing" the publish in this step. This will affect permissions/roles checks performed during publish and also to whom the publish report is delivered to. The "system" user is basically a way to bypass any permissions/roles checks but results in the publish report not being sent to anyone.

Authorizing-type can take the following values:

  • current-step-owner - the user assigned to the step that calls the trigger
  • system - the reserved "system" user
  • user - a specified user
Authorizing-User Parameter


This parameter is used if 'user' is selected as the value for the authorizing-type parameter. This parameter's value can be any valid user name.