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Site-Wide Communication Alerts Center

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Announcing Alerts Center: a NEW starter site on the Cascade CMS Exchange. This resource is available immediately to all Cascade CMS customers.


The Alerts Center is your one-stop shop for site-wide alerts and emergency information. The Alerts Center includes a home page for the whole Alerts Center, an alerts page content type, a content page, and Emergency home page.

Users now have the flexibility to add alert banners to the entire site, only the home page, a specific page, or a specific folder. Each alert will have its own page and will be added to the "Recent Alerts" section of the Alerts Center home page. Alerts can be categorized to match emergencies or other general categories, such as informational or warnings.

The Alerts Center allows for users to have emergency-specific folders, for example, COVID-19, and each emergency will have it's own home page. Informational content pages can be created to provide additional information for each emergency, including an FAQ section. The Emergency Home Page has several content row types that can be added, including recent alerts, accordions, informational cards, and a WYSIWYG.

The Alerts Center home page has the option to display current and recent alerts, as well as link to the alerts archive. Multiple emergency home pages can be linked on the home page as well.
The Alerts Center is available for the Professional Services team to implement for your organization.


Our Professional Services team is available to deliver a turnkey Alerts Center implementation on an expedited time frame. Please reach out to services@hannonhill.com to get started.


We recognize the requirement to provide timely and accurate information to constituents at this time. We look forward to seeing how the Alerts Center helped you accomplish your communication goals.

Last Updated: Apr 30, 2020 11:00 AM

Photo of Laura Rives

Laura Rives
VP of Sales and Marketing

