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Case Studies

Athabasca University

Read about how Athabasca University overhauled every single public-facing page within its web ecosystem with Cascade CMS.

Auburn University

Read about the CMS selection process at AU and find out why they selected Cascade CMS after evaluating 950 total systems.

California State University, Chico

See how CSU Chico is using Cascade Server to manage 120 live sites, with 40 additional sites in development.

Chapman University

Learn how Chapman University selected their CMS and ended up winning a slew of awards.

Chatham University

Explore why Cascade CMS was the best solution to the challenges Chatham University was facing with their university website.

Colorado Mesa University

Dive into how Colorado Mesa University selected Cascade CMS to fuel their university website including the challenge, product evaluation, solution and results.

Colorado State University-Pueblo

Read about how Colorado State University-Pueblo's small web team migrated over 2,600 pages to Cascade CMS in a short amount of time.

Florida Department of Health

Read about how the Florida Department of Health transitioned to Cascade CMS from Serena Collage.

Frostburg State University

Learn how Frostburg State University utilized Cascade CMS to not only create a more effective website strategy but also greatly reduced the amount of help desk tickets.

Geneva College

Find out how Geneva College migrated all of their 10,000+ pages from their previous CMS into Cascade, and learn how the College implemented not just their main site, but also their blog, Athletic apparel store, and donor list in Cascade.

Heartland Community College

Learn how Heartland Community College has been able to create pages and even entire sites within minutes, all while allowing contributors to focus on the quality of their content.

Indiana University

Indiana University takes innovation to a new level among institutions of higher education. Find out more in our Indiana University Cascade CMS case study.

Indiana Wesleyan University

Learn how Indiana Wesleyan University implemented their site in Cascade CMS and migrated all of the content in just a few weeks.

LeTourneau University

Check out how LeTourneau University enabled their team to become less reliant on outside vendors and execute cost-saving initiatives through their switch to Cascade CMS.

Macomb Community College

Learn how Macomb Community College moved their websites into Cascade CMS and leverages the CMS and Spectate, Hannon Hill's content marketing tool, for effective web marketing campaigns.

Northwestern University

Read why Northwestern University selected Cascade CMS as its centrally chosen solution.

Rappahannock Community College

Read about how Rappahannock Community College empowered its staff with a more direct and flexible way to manage its web content with Cascade CMS.

Sarah Lawrence College

The College is managing their website with Cascade CMS after migrating from a legacy system. Take a look at our Sarah Lawrence College case study to find out more.

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Learn how the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology successfully transitioned to Cascade CMS and provided their end users with an easy-to-use CMS, leading to positive recognition and multiple awards.

Texas A&M University

Read how Texas A&M University implemented an emergency notification system called Code Maroon using Cascade CMS.

University of Alaska Southeast

The University of Alaska Southeast is a regional university of the in the University of Alaska system. Located in Juneau, UAS is the center for baccalaureate and graduate education for the region.

University of Evansville

Learn how the University of Evansville's web team was able to give its marketing team members the ability to make changes to its website, even if the end users had no coding and no HTML experience.

University of Miami

Learn how and why the School of Business Administration switched to Cascade CMS.

University of Montana

Learn why the University of Montana selected Cascade CMS as their CMS and how they are using the system to manage 163 departmental sites.

University of North Georgia

Learn how the University of North Georgia has merged two universities replacing two content management systems.

University of Richmond

Perennially ranked as one of the nation's top 25 liberal arts universities, Richmond uses Cascade CMS to build and manage their network of over 90 sites.

University of San Diego

Learn how the University of San Diego has successfully transitioned to Cascade CMS and provided their end users with easy-to-use templates, while maintaining a consistent and branded look and feel.

University of Saskatchewan

Learn why the University of Saskatchewan selected Cascade CMS unanimously and how collaboration on the institutional web presence at U of S has improved.

Washoe County

Learn how Washoe County's implementation of Cascade has resulted in major positive outcomes for the County.

William & Mary

As proclaimed on their website, William & Mary (W&M) is different-- and they like it that way. Find out more about how W&M took a different approach to web content management in our College of William & Mary Cascade CMS case study.