Suggested Unused Assets Report


The Suggested Unused Assets report displays a list of assets that are not explicitly linked to or chosen by other assets in Cascade CMS. This report runs daily at 4:30am for all Sites in the environment and that schedule can not be modified at this time.

The asset list provides the following information:

  • Name - The name of the asset and a link to the asset.
  • Last modified - The date the asset was last modified. Hover the value for an exact date and time.
  • Last published - The date the asset was last published. Hover the value for an exact date and time.
  • Owned by - The name of the user that owns the asset.

Filtering the Report

The following filters are available for filtering the report:

  • Site - Display assets within specified site(s).
  • Asset types - Choose one or more types of assets to display (Pages, Files, Blocks, and External Links).
  • Show only assets that are not indexable - Display only assets which do not have "Include when indexing" enabled.
  • Show only assets that were previously published - Display only assets which have a "Last published" date.

Unpublishing assets

To unpublish one or more assets in the report:

  1. Select one or more assets from the list.
  2. Click the Unpublish ( ) icon at the top of the list.
Note - Assets listed in the Suggested Unused Assets report have no linked or manual Relationships with other assets in Cascade CMS; however, they may still be in use and/or linked indirectly via Format.

Deleting assets

To delete one or more assets in the report:

  1. Select one or more assets from the list.
  2. Click the Delete ( ) icon at the top of the list.
Note - Assets listed in the Suggested Unused Assets report have no linked or manual Relationships with other assets in Cascade CMS; however, they may still be in use and/or linked indirectly via Format.

Creating manual relationship to an asset

Assets listed in the Suggested Unused Assets report have no linked or manual Relationships with other assets in Cascade CMS; however, they may still be in use and/or linked indirectly via Format. For example, a news listing may link to news articles via the Query API, but the individual article pages may not have any Relationships.

If there are assets in the report that you know are in use but have no Relationships, you have the option to create a manual Relationship to an appropriate asset.

To create a manual relationship for an asset in the report:

  1. Select an asset from the list.
  2. Click the Create a manual relationship button at the top of the list.
  3. Click Choose publishable site content and select the asset(s) you wish to manually link to the current asset.

Export results as a CSV file

Information visible in the Suggested Unused Assets report can be exported as a CSV file using the Export CSV link in the top right corner.