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2019: A Year in Review

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The Hannon Hill team is excited to wish everyone a very happy New Year! As we look forward, we want to take time to review 2019 and all its wonderful accomplishments. 

Three Major Product Releases

Throughout 2019, we released major updates to Cascade CMS that included various improvements to application performance, stability, user experience, accessibility, supported technologies, and more.

  • Version 8.12 includes the drag-and-drop reordering of data definition groups and fields while preserving existing content, as well as overall performance improvements. 

  • Version 8.13 added quite a few feature upgrades such as the Clive connector to embed Clive forms and smart content, the ability to assign content owners to asset workflow triggers, customizable workflow emails, and task notifications when a task has been resolved or unresolved.

  • Version 8.14 contains updates to folder restrictions for choosers to keep users browsing and uploading to the right place. This update is in addition to other UX improvements for browsing choosers.

While there were three major Cascade CMS releases in 2019, there were numerous minor releases shipped to Cascade Cloud customers. If you’re interested in learning more about our Cloud capabilities, please reach out to Charlie Holder, Head of Customer Success, by emailing charlie.holder@hannonhill.com.

Introducing Clive

The launch of Clive, Hannon Hill’s new engagement and digital personalization platform, was perhaps our most notable achievement of 2019.

Today's audience is the most tech-savvy cohort in history, compelling organizations to deliver relevant and tailored digital experiences. Clive addresses this trajectory by enabling you to collect valuable information through custom web forms and deliver targeted content. Personalization based on geolocation is also available, with more implicit features on the horizon.

Throughout the launch, we published a series of blog posts on digital personalization, which are a great resource as you look to get started with your own targeted efforts. To learn more about Clive, check out www.hannonhill.com/clive. We are excited to bring more upgrades in 2020!

Customer Support Stats

As customer dedication is a core value at Hannon Hill, each year we take a look at the customer support stats to ensure our team is doing our best to assist you. This year, our technical support team resolved over 2,500 tickets with a median response time of 23 minutes, and achieved an overall 98% customer satisfaction rating.

Customer Successes

In order to set you up for continued success, our team offers free quarterly webinars to educate and encourage advanced use of our products. In 2019, we hosted four of these “What’s New in Cascade” product update webinars, highlighting recent improvements and fixes to both Cascade CMS and Clive.

Additionally, with the launch of Clive, the team offered multiple webinars to familiarize our customers with the product, as well as best practices for getting started with digital personalization.

Training Successes

This year, the training team performed numerous standard and customized training for both new and existing customers. Customer trainings included Cascade CMS Boot Camps, End User Training, Train the Trainer, and Custom Curriculum Trainings. As we’re always looking to provide our customers with the most efficient training packages, we have recently restructured our training options to better serve on-boarding and customer needs.

Finally, our success team was hard at work performing 100+ scheduled check-in calls with customers, listening to feedback, answering questions, discussing future capabilities, and more.

Professional Services

In the past year, our Professional Services team delivered 165 projects to 33 clients. While each project is based on unique client needs, highlights include new site implementations, content migrations, custom web development, and graphical design. Some of our favorite new site rollouts were Dakota State University, Berkeley College, Eastern Connecticut State University, Westminster College, University of St. Thomas, and Walsh University

Learn more about our professional services and how we can partner together in the new year.

Annual Customer Event

Based on attendee feedback from previous user conferences, in 2019 we decided to switch up the user conference format to a new Regional Training Conference tour. The tour visited three cities around the United States:  Austin, San Diego and Atlanta.

Offering two tracks, System Administrator Training and Advanced Velocity & Web Services, attendees were able to choose which curriculum best fit their needs. Spread out between two jam-packed days, attendees spent time learning, networking with the Hannon Hill team, and getting to know fellow Cascade CMS users. 

Check out the Cascade CMS Regional Training Conference tour recap and stay tuned for what's to come in 2020!

Community Service and Team Building Events

Throughout 2019, the Hannon Hill team participated in numerous community service and team-building events. It’s important to take time to give back to our community and strengthen our team engagement as an organization.

Each quarter we work together and dedicate an entire day to serving our community. In 2019, the team worked with four wonderful organizations, including Brook Run Play, Books for Africa, Ronald McDonald House and the Lifeline Animal Project. Each organization gave our team an exciting chance to not only give back, but also learn more about their values and missions, encouraging future engagement outside of these events. 


Additionally, 2019 brought some awesome team events that support team growth, strength and fun! We participated in a team scavenger hunt at the Atlanta Zoo, partnered with the company Vestigo for a day centered around obstacle courses and nature walks, and of course our annual end of year party.


Fostering Professional Growth

In 2019, the team spent two full days learning effective communication techniques using storytelling. We pride ourselves on continued leadership growth in order to better support our overall community. 

Finally, all Hannon Hill team members participated in two “FedEx Ship-It Days”, in which we have 24 hours to complete a project that is either outside our day-to-day responsibilities, or has been sitting on the back burner for some time.

Looking Ahead!

2019 brought many new and exciting happenings at Hannon Hill, and we can only be excited for what 2020 holds. We’d like to extend a huge thank you our amazing customers. We look forward to continued growth together in the new year!

Last Updated: Jan 9, 2020 11:00 AM

Photo of Daisy Perper

Daisy Perper
Marketing Specialist


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