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Case Study: Rappahannock Community College

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A website is a college and university's number one recruiting tool. And post-pandemic, it isn't just a digital footprint; it's a dynamic embodiment of its ethos and academic excellence.

We all know we never get a chance to make a first impression twice.

Thus, the content and user experience visitors see when arriving on a higher-ed website will almost immediately shape their precision of the institution.

This was the challenge faced by Rappahannock Community College (RCC), a prominent institution in Virginia's educational landscape known for its diverse academic programs and commitment to student success.

RCC's journey toward digital transformation began with an all-too-common issue: the struggle to manage web content efficiently.

Their legacy CMS was more of a hurdle than a tool, bottlenecked by technical complexities and over-reliance on external contractors, delaying content updates and adding unnecessary costs.

RCC partnered with Hannon Hill's Cascade CMS because of its customization capabilities and user-centric design.

The transition wasn't just about adopting new technology; it was about embracing a new way of working.

RCC's decision to start afresh, forgoing content migration for a clean slate, marked a bold step towards a contemporary and easily manageable website. 

The implementation, facilitated by Hannon Hill's Professional Services team, was tailored to RCC's needs, resulting in:

A modern and navigable website that reflects the dynamic nature of RCC.

The transformation is evident.

The team can swiftly update the website without being constrained by HTML complexities, aligning their digital presence with real-time institutional developments.

RCC's success story is a testament to the power of a user-friendly CMS.

The college's Media Services Manager, Michele Inderrieden, praised the Hannon Hill team for their patience and guidance, underscoring the collaborative spirit of the project.

For higher-ed marketers and web developers seeking to elevate their institution's web presence, RCC's experience with Cascade CMS offers valuable insights. 

Discover more about RCC's transformative journey and how Cascade CMS can redefine your website management. 

Case Study

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Last Updated: Nov 16, 2023 11:00 AM

Photo of Chris Rapozo

Chris Rapozo
Marketing Specialist


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