General / How To
How do I edit content or find out where to edit a certain region?
You may be able to edit your page content by simply clicking Edit at the top of the page, making any changes, submitting and then publishing. However, if you don't see the content you want to edit when editing the page, that content could be contained elsewhere. The content may be located in a...
How do I add an image to a page?
If you're working in a WYSIWYG editor, you can add an image by uploading your image to Cascade CMS, then browsing for it in the WYSIWYG. Upload your image by clicking the Add Content button and using an appropriate file option available to you. These options are set up by your CMS...
How do I add a PDF or document to a page?
If you're working in a WYSIWYG editor, you can add a link to a file such as a PDF by uploading your file to Cascade CMS, then linking to it in the WYSIWYG. Upload your file by clicking the Add Content menu and use the appropriate file option available to you. These options are set up...
How do I upload a folder?
In addition to uploading individual files, Cascade CMS also supports the ability to upload an entire folder. To do this, you must first zip up the folder in question along with its contents.Once you have a zip file containing your folder(s), upload it by following the steps below: Click Add...
How do I unlock a page or asset?
First, make sure you're looking at the working copy. Look for the drop-down to the left of the title. If it says Current, click it and select Working Copy. If you're the lock owner: You should now see options to either Commit Changes you've made, or Break Lock and discard those...
How do I restore something I deleted from the trash / recycle bin?
The Trash bin is located above the left-hand folder tree when you're in the Site Content area. To restore one or more items from the Trash, select the checkbox next to the items and click the Restore button at the top of the list. Note for users - If you don't see the the Trash bin,...
How do I create an anchor link?
Anchor links, sometimes called "skip links", allow you to link to a particular spot within the same page or a different page. To create an anchor link to a location within a page: Place your cursor at the spot where you'd like your destination anchor to appear and click the Anchor...
How do I give a User or Group access to a Site?
In order to access a Site via the Site drop down menu, a User must have a Site Role assigned to them at the Site level (either directly or via their Group membership).To see which Users/Groups have Site Roles assigned to them for a specific Site: Navigate to Manage Site > Site Settings. Click...
How do I control User access to Folders and assets?
You can control Read/Write access to Site assets through Access rights. Access rights, or permissions, control which Users or Groups can view or edit assets. While viewing an asset (such as a Folder): Click More > Access. Select the Access level for all users. (Selecting None here will hide...
How can I check what a User can do in a specific Site?
A user’s abilities in a Site will be determined by the Site Role that they are assigned to for that Site. There are a couple of very handy tools that you can use to quickly identify how your Users are configured.
How can I tell who edited or published a page?
Audit trails provide a list of activities by users in Cascade CMS which can be handy when tracking down a particular event. Viewing an asset's audit trail While viewing an asset (such as a page or file) click More > Audits. You can filter the audit trail by timeframe or type of action. If you...
How do I change the name or URL of my site?
To change the name and/or URL of your Site: Access your Site from the Sites system menu, the Site drop-down menu, or the My Sites widget on your dashboard. Once inside your Site, click Manage Site > Site Settings. Update the Name and/or URL field in the Properties tab. Click Submit.
How do I delete a site?
To delete a site in Cascade CMS: Click the menu button ( ) in the upper-right corner of the interface. Click Sites. Select the site from the Sites list by checking the checkbox next to it. Click the Delete icon at the top of the list. Note: You can only delete one site at a...
How do I publish changes to a block?
Blocks, such as XHTML/Data Definition blocks, aren't publishable by themselves. If you've made changes to a block, such as a navigation block, and you're not seeing your changes on your live site, you'll need to publish any pages that use that block. For blocks used on all or most every page in a...
How do I rebuild my search indexes?
Search indexes can be rebuilt by following these steps: Click Menu > Administration. In the Search section, click Search Indexing. Confirm that your Index Location is correct (this directory should exist on the application server directly under the tomcat folder, by default it will be named...
How do I configure 301 Redirects?
301 redirects should be handled by a configuration file on your web server. For example, an .htaccess file if using an Apache-driven web server or a web.config file if using a Microsoft (IIS) web server. While there is not a native feature in Cascade CMS regarding 301 redirects, you can maintain...
How does the Max Asset Versions setting affect existing versions?
If you adjust the Max Asset Versions setting under Administration > Preferences > Content and the new value causes a given asset to have more than the allowed number of Versions, the Version chain will be trimmed for this asset the next time it's edited and submitted. For example, consider...
Where can I find publish notifications?
To locate publish notifications for assets that you have published: Click your User profile picture or letter in the top-right corner of the screen. In the dropdown menu that appears, select Notifications. The subject line for a publish notification will look something like the...
How can I find the O/S account running Cascade CMS?
To find out which O/S account is running the application: Navigate to the Logs and System Information area Scroll down to the User Name field The value entered for this field is the account under which Cascade CMS is currently running.
How can I generate a cron expression for my scheduled publishes?
When working with scheduled publishes in the CMS, one option for scheduling is to provide a cron expression. Since Cascade CMS uses Quartz for scheduling, the syntax for cron expressions may be slightly different from other applications where you've set up cron tasks. In order to generate...
How do I delete a Workflow?
To delete a Workflow: Navigate to your workflow Click the Delete Workflow button in the top right of your screen Tip: Having trouble locating your Workflow? Here are a few ways to get back to it: Navigate to the asset in Workflow and click the corresponding link to the workflow in the top...
How do I determine where assets will be published?
Cascade CMS determines where to place files using a combination of the following values: The Transport Server Directory (if blank, the FTP/FTPS/SFTP user’s home directory). The Destination Directory. The folder path of your asset in your Site. For example, consider the following...
Scheduled publishing for individual assets
Both the Start Date field (in an asset's Metadata) and the Optionally Publish Later option provide a way to schedule an asset to publish at a future date/time. See below for notes on when to use one versus the other: Start Date The Start Date field, which is part of an asset's Metadata, allows...
Granting Access to Specific Folders for Users/Groups
Since Sites typically consist of multiple Folders, there may be scenarios where you're looking to 'hide' many of those from particular Users and/or Groups. Take the following Folder structure into consideration: <Base Folder of Site> FolderA PageA PageB FolderB FolderC Now, consider...
How do I rename an asset?
To rename an asset: While viewing the asset, click More -> Rename (you can also do this via the context menu) In the New "asset" Name field, enter the new name Click Rename Warning: Renaming an asset will result in the asset being unpublished from all enabled...
How do I reorder items in a navigation menu?
One of the most common strategies for implementing a navigation menu is to dynamically output links to the assets contained within a particular Folder. This type of setup often relies on the ordering of those items within that Folder when deciding how to display them within a navigation menu. To...