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Five Gripping Benefits of Web Personalization

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Marketers simply cannot afford to show the same content to all web visitors. With visitors having a unique reason for visiting, they expect their experience to be a relevant one. As individual data and personalization tools are now readily accessible, there is no reason not to tailor web experiences to each visitor's preferences.

The proven benefits of website personalization support an enhanced user experience, and the time is now to jumpstart your brands path to personalization.

A Deeper Understanding of Visitors

A whitepaper completed by SmarterHQ concluded that 90% of customers are willing to share their behavioral data to avail a more seamless brand experience.

Utilizing a personalized strategy on your website is a great way to track website behaviors as well as store information users volunteer to you. In return, you’ll begin to develop a deeper understanding of each individual visitor allowing for a relevant experience. This will be beneficial for both your organization and the visitor.

Through that data collection and encouraging form fills, you have the ability to create automatic rules that will sort and segment customers into content funnels based on those needs and wants. Storing this information, and continuing to provide highly customized content (when applicable) proves you care about their website intent and want to provide the most valuable experience each and every time.

Increases Brand Loyalty

"70% of consumers say that how well a company understands their individual needs impacts their loyalty." -Salesforce

By developing that true understanding of your visitors and providing a consistent, relevant experience to their needs and wants, you can increase loyalty to your brand and organization. This experience helps visitors feel as if they’re being heard and treated as unique individuals. This in return should build trust and begin to increase loyalty within your organization and messaging.

Better Lead Quality and Nurture Path

SurveyInsights conducted a survey revealing that personalization is key to improving lead generation quality for 60% of marketers.

Lead quality is an important part of your marketing strategy. Personalized content leads to more qualified leads that are entering into your funnels. As visitors continue on in the cycle, customized content will continue to support that lead quality and ultimate CTA results and conversions.

Providing these qualified leads with a continued enhanced user interaction allows for a nurture process that's valuable on both sides. With the collected knowledge, you can not only supply that tailored content and/or experiences but you can also encourage an on-going nurture path to continue on in sales/close cycle. Connect at multiple touch points and platforms to continue conversations and engagement routes.

Drives Further Engagement and Conversion

According to Pardot, businesses that personalize web experiences see an average sales increase of 19%.

This should be no surprise that in return from all the above benefits, web personalization has proven to retain visitors on your site longer resulting in increased site engagement and conversion. Through behavior patterns and learning's, you can provide visitors with highly effective calls-to-actions that result in higher key performance indicators (KPIs).

Big Impact, Small Steps

According to a report completed by Evergage, 86% of marketers have seen a measurable lift in business results from their personalization campaigns.

Lastly, with all of this in mind, another awesome benefit of web personalization is that it can be implemented relatively quickly without a huge lift on you and your team. While some organizations may be hesitant to begin their personalization journey due to limited resources, or time constraints, it’s exciting to know that you can get started quickly and make a large, lasting impact without making huge leaps.

Clive, our web personalization tool, is a great option for those looking to get started without making a giant commitment. To learn more about Clive, we invite you to reach out below.

Last Updated: Mar 31, 2022 11:00 AM

Photo of Daisy Perper

Daisy Perper
Marketing Specialist


Content Marketing