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3 Reasons to Schedule a Check-In Call with Customer Success

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Picture this:

You’ve had a busy day running from meeting to meeting, completing task after task.

It seems like everyone needs some of your time for one reason or another.

You finally get some time to check your email, and you see a message from the Hannon Hill Customer Success team asking if you’d like to schedule a check-in call.

You’re already stretched thin, and Cascade CMS is meeting most of your needs.

Would a 45-minute call be a valuable use of your time?

We think that check-in calls really matter, both for you and for us.

Your insight into the day-to-day operations of your Cascade CMS environment, as well as the strategic goals for the live website as a marketing tool, matter greatly to the Customer Success team and Hannon Hill as a whole as we continue to be the best possible partner for our customers.

Need more convincing?

Here are 3 reasons why you should consider scheduling the check-in call.

1) You directly help shape our roadmap through your feedback.

Every organization is different, and while there will never be a single product out there that meets every possible need, we hope that Cascade CMS and Clive continue to be tools that provide you maximum flexibility to accomplish your web goals.

You have ideas about how functionality in our products would help your organization to run more smoothly that we may not have considered yet, and we don’t know until you tell us!

There are several avenues available when you have feedback to share, like suggesting a feature in the Ideas Portal, posting in the #give-feedback channel of the Hannon Hill Users Slack workspace (if you’re not a member, just let us know; we’ll send you an invite!), or emailing feedback@hannonhill.com.

However, when you give feedback to our Success team on a check-in call, it gives us a chance to ask for more details and specific use cases of how the suggested additional feature or change to the current functionality would be helpful for you.

Don’t worry; we don’t expect you to come up with specific features to improve Cascade!

By simply sharing your website goals and upcoming projects with us, you help us to determine exactly what features to build to address your needs. The more we see your context, the more fleshed out the feedback becomes, and we’re better able to understand the story of your organization.

Our Product team keeps track of all feedback and considers every idea carefully as they determine how to allocate resources to build the next great versions of Cascade CMS and Clive!

2) You get to learn about the newest features and updates to our products.

It’s one thing to read about new features and improvements in the notes for each release (and the Changelog for Cascade Cloud subscribers), but another thing entirely to see those features in action and bounce ideas off someone who knows the product.

The Success team’s mission is to ensure that our customers are getting the most out of all of the products and services they have with Hannon Hill, and we’ll always let you know if there’s a feature you aren’t aware of that can help your processes run more efficiently.  

We hear from customers frequently who, upon learning about a newly released feature, share that it was something they had asked for in the past.

We’re proud to care about our customers’ needs and actively develop our products in a way that reflects that.

3) You can help us help you!

So what if you don’t have any feedback to share or already know about all of the features available to you?

The Success team still has a lot of value to offer, including answering any number of questions with your unique situation in mind.

When you share your concerns, we can offer solutions that you may not have known were options otherwise.

Maybe these thoughts sound familiar to you:

  • “I have a new employee starting on my web team and I’m not sure how to get them up to speed in Cascade.”
  • “I’m worried my Cascade environment is not as efficient as it could be.”
  • “We recently got budget approval for a website redesign. What’s our first step?”
  • “We know that Clive will complement our marketing campaigns, but we’re not sure where to begin with personalization.”
  • “My web team is going through some changes, and I need to augment my staff with a developer who knows Cascade. What options do we have?”
  • “Since I’m newer to my organization, I’m not sure how certain parts of Cascade work. I need a walkthrough of the features.”
  • “When’s our next renewal date? How much should I plan to ask our leadership team to budget for?”
  • “We’d like to get all of our software into the cloud. What does the Cascade Cloud subscription service entail?”

These questions (and many, many more!) are perfect for check-in calls.

We will continue to check in after the call to see how everything is developing and offer our support throughout every process and transition taking place at your organization.


Scheduling a check-in call with the Hannon Hill Customer Success team is a valuable investment of your time.

These calls allow you to influence the future development of Cascade CMS and Clive, discover new features and updates, and receive tailored advice for your organization's specific needs.

The Customer Success team's primary goal is to ensure you get the most out of your Hannon Hill products and services, helping your organization to thrive in its web journey.

As partners with you in your web journey, Hannon Hill is committed to your success. So, go ahead and schedule that check-in call – you'll be glad you did!

Last Updated: Jun 8, 2023 11:00 AM

Photo of Rebekah Langston

Rebekah Langston
Customer Success Specialist


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