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Transforming College Move-In Day with Digital Signage

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In an increasingly digital world, colleges and universities continually seek innovative ways to enhance the campus experience for students and their parents. One such strategy that has gained significant momentum is the use of digital signage.

The buzz of college move-in day has often been dampened by uncertainty and stress. Students and their caregivers ask themselves:

“Where is my dorm building?”

“What time is the welcome event?”

“Where can we eat on campus?” 

With the strategic use of digital signage, college and university web teams can help their student affairs colleagues transform move-in day into a seamless and welcoming experience.

Use the following suggestions to spark your imagination on how to utilize digital signage around campus to build familiarity and trust with your new students:

Welcome Messages

Digital signage positioned around campus can display personalized welcome messages for incoming students. These could range from a general "Welcome Class of 2027" to more individualized messages.

With the correct data integration, signage can recognize when a student checks in and trigger a specific welcome message, such as "Welcome, Sarah, to Johnson Hall!".

This level of personalization can make students feel recognized and valued, easing their transition into college life.

Event Schedules

The first few days on campus are packed with activities – dorm meetings, orientation sessions, welcome events, and more. Keeping track of these can be overwhelming for new students.

Keep students and their parents informed by displaying real-time event schedules and updates through digital signage.

The schedule could include event descriptions, timings, and locations. If changes occur - for instance, due to weather conditions - these can be updated in real-time to avoid confusion.

Additionally, use digital signage to provide reminders for important deadlines or appointments in the initial days, such as health center check-ups, registration deadlines, or meetings with advisors.

Inform and Guide with Interactive Maps

Navigating a new environment can be daunting, especially on a day as hectic as move-in day. Digital signage armed with interactive maps can be a game-changer.

Colleges and universities can significantly reduce the confusion associated with navigating the campus by strategically placing digital signage with interactive maps at key entry points, parking lots, dormitory areas, and other high-traffic zones. 

Moreover, with the interactive feature, students and parents can search for specific locations and get directions. For instance, if students want to locate their dorm building, they can input the building's name or number, and the interactive map can guide them there. 

FAQs and Important Notifications

Digital signage is an excellent tool for broadcasting frequently asked questions and important notifications.

These could be about various topics such as meal plans, parking permits, Wi-Fi setup, laundry facilities, or campus safety protocols.

By having digital signage dedicated to addressing these FAQs, you can give students and their families easy access to the information they need, reducing pressure on administrative staff and resident advisors.

Digital signage also serves as a dynamic platform for sharing important notifications, including last-minute schedule changes and updates on move-in procedures, to reminders about completing certain tasks like submitting health forms or setting up college email accounts. 

Streamline Check-In Process

The check-in process on move-in day often involves long lines and paperwork, which creates a stressful first experience for students and their families. Digital signage, however, can play a crucial role in making this process smoother and more efficient.

By providing real-time updates on queue lengths and wait times at different check-in counters, digital signage can help students and parents decide where to go, reducing wait times and making the process more efficient. 

Once students are checked in, they will need to collect their room keys and find their dorms. Digital signage can provide clear instructions for these tasks, such as where to collect keys or a map of their dorm building.

Highlight Campus Amenities and Services

Moving to college is about more than just the first day. It's also about settling into campus life. Digital signage can showcase campus amenities such as dining halls, bookstores, and recreational facilities. A virtual tour of what the campus has to offer can be both exciting and helpful.

Showcasing the diverse range of facilities and services available on campus can help incoming students visualize their new home and understand what resources are at their disposal. Digital signage is a visually engaging and effective medium to accomplish this. 

Digital signage can also highlight the array of services that the college offers. These could include academic advising, career services, mental health and counseling services, transportation options, and more. Having all this information readily available can ease students' transition into college life.

Create an Emergency Communication Channel

Lastly, digital signage serves as an efficient emergency communication channel. In the event of an unforeseen situation or urgent announcement, digital signs can broadcast necessary instructions immediately.

The possibilities with digital signage are endless, and the technology continues to evolve. As we strive to improve the move-in day experience, remember that our ultimate goal is to create a welcoming, informative, and seamless transition for our students and their families. A smooth move-in day sets the tone for a successful college experience.


Incorporating digital signage on move-in day can make a huge difference. It's an investment in the student experience that pays dividends in satisfaction, comfort, and a sense of belonging. Let's leverage the power of digital technology to make every student's journey unforgettable right from the start. 

To learn more about how Cascade CMS can help you streamline your digital signage efforts, watch Christopher Halper's, Webmaster of Concordia University Wisconsin and Concordia University Ann Arbor, presentation titled "Exploring Digital Signage" from our 2023 Cascade CMS User Conference. 

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If you're ready to take the next step in making digital signage a major factor in benefiting your student on campus, complete the form below and let us show you how Cascade CMS can help you achieve your goals.

Last Updated: Jul 20, 2023 11:00 AM

Photo of Chris Rapozo

Chris Rapozo
Marketing Specialist


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