University of Nebraska Omaha

QuickStart - HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap

uno example 1
uno example 2
uno example 1

Project Info

The University of Nebraska Omaha intended to roll out a new responsive web design at the same time as their new CMS. UNO purchased a Cascade CMS license in July of 2013, and engaged our Professional Services team in a QuickStart project. The objective was to build out a framework that would allow CMU to become self-sufficient quickly in the CMS using what the Professional Services team built out as a starting point. The QuickStart included integration of the university’s home page and five interior pages, a news section, and a reusable site template that allows for customization with Google CSE and Analytics. The QuickStart was completed within 40 days. From the original purchase to official website rollout in Cascade CMS, it took 4 months.