Workflows report

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Jun 09, 2022

Our new Workflows report displays a list of in-progress and/or completed workflows within sites that you can access.

The report defaults to displaying all In Progress workflows, but you can use the quick filter tabs at the top to display Overdue workflows as well.

Additional filtering options are available under Filter Results:

  • Workflow status - Display in-progress, completed, or all workflows.
  • From/To - Display workflows with any activity, such as the date they were initiated or the date they're due, within a specific timeframe.
  • Site - Display workflows for assets within specified site(s) that you can access.
  • Started by - Display workflows initiated by specified User(s) (also known as the "workflow owner").
  • Assigned to - Display workflows currently waiting on specified Users and/or Group(s) (also known as the "current step owner").

Learn more about the Workflows report in the Cascade CMS knowledge base.

