Visitor Companies

View Visitor Companies:

Spectate identifies the company that owns the IP address associated with visitors that access your site.

  1. To view a list of companies, click on the Leads & Visitors tab on the left and then on the Visitor Companies link. You will see the Visitor Companies table.
  2. Clicking on the name of the company will take you to another screen, where you will be able to view the Visitors and visitor information associated with the company.

Update a Visitor Company:

  1. To update a Visitor Company, click on the Leads & Visitors tab on the left and then on the Visitor Companies link. You will see the Visitor Companies table.
  2. Click on the company that you would like to update, which will take you to the company’s detail screen.
  3. Click “Edit Company”, update the information as needed, and then click “Save Changes”.

Receive Alerts when a Visitor Company is on your Site:

Spectate can send alerts to specific users or groups as soon as a visitor company is on your website.

  1. To create an alert, click on the "Leads & Visitors" tab on the left, and select Visitor Companies.
  2. Click on the name of the company for which you would like to create an alert. This will take you to the company's detail screen.
  3. Click "Edit Company".
  4. Click "+Add User/Group", and select a user or group from the drop-down box.
  5. To add additional users/groups, click the "+" icon and select another user.
  6. To remove a user/group from the alerts, click the "-" icon.
  7. Click "Save Changes".